Octapush Webhooks – Update of external CRM/ERP systems with POST or GET method
Webhooks are user-defined HTTP callbacks that can be used to inform/update external CRM/ERP systems when an event occurs such as the status change of a message.
You can find them in the Developers link that is located in the user menu at the top right corner of the platform.
The panel to configure your webhooks is placed at the bottom of your screen.
In case you cannot see the Webhooks panel as it is shown in the below image, please contact our support department to activate the webhooks in your account.

Octapush will send an HTTP callback each time a specific event takes place for which you’ve set to receive updates. You can select between POST or GET method and furthermore during the call you may include all the information that Octapush has on the specific recipient. This is possible thanks to the available tokens that you can include in your link.
Messages Statuses
When a message is sent through Octapush, it can take different statuses that inform us whether it was delivered on not and the reasons why. If the status is final, then we’ll not receive any further updates about the corresponding message, otherwise, the message hasn’t reached its final state and there will follow more updates.
The following table includes all the available statuses that an SMS or Viber message can take along with a brief explanation for each one.
Status |
Explanation |
Final |
Sent |
The message has been sent to the final network to be delivered |
NO |
Pending |
The state of the message is not yet known |
NO |
Submitted |
The message has been routed for sending |
NO |
Scheduled |
The message has been scheduled for sending in a future time |
NO |
Fallbacksms |
The message wasn’t delivered via Viber and it has been forwarded for sending via SMS |
NO |
Not Delivered |
The message was not delivered |
Unknown |
The message took another status from the ones we have available |
Error |
Error during the sending process |
Expired |
The message wasn’t delivered within the time frame we’ve set |
Failed |
Sending failed due to insufficient balance in your account |
Rejected |
A message is rejected when the system rejects it’s sending due to routing reasons. Wrong number or not supported termination to a specific network are common reasons. |
Canceled |
The sending of the message has been canceled |
Seen |
The recipient has seen the message. |
Clicked |
The recipient has clicked a link in the message |
Blacklisted |
The recipient’s number is blacklisted |
Unsubscribed |
The recipient clicked on the unsubscribed option |
Blocked |
The Viber Sender Id that sent the message has been blocked |
The main tokens that our platform provides are: Phone Number, First Name, Last Name, Title, Option 1, Option 2.
In case you’ve created extra fields in your list, for example a custom ID, then this will be shown as token and you can use it with the webhooks that you’ll create.
Create Webhooks
To create a new webhook you have to select the channel you want this webhook to be used. The choices are two: SMS or Viber.

Then, you click on the Edit button at the bottom of the page and you are ready to activate the webhooks for any of the provided statuses, as you can see below.

In case we want to receive an update in an external system for an event that occurs in Octapush, we have to activate the switch on the left side of this event, set the URL that will receive the callback and set the variables we want to be included.
If we want to use the GET method for the blacklisted status, then we’ll have to fill in the form as shown below.

If we want to use the POST method for the submitted status, we’ll have to use the JSON format as shown below.

More information about the JSON format you can find in the following link: https://www.w3schools.com/whatis/whatis_json.asp