Create an official Business Profile on Viber
A branded and searchable business page containing useful contact info and a short company description.
Showcase to your audience that they are in a safe, secure and trusted environment, where conversations feel more personal.

VIBER COMMERCIAL ACCOUNTShowcase your Brand on Viber without any limitations!
Users can search your brand on Viber and start communicating with you.
Searchable Account

Detailed Info Page

Business Inbox

Viber Sender IDs
There are 3 types of Viber Sender IDs, One-Way, Two-way and Session, each one with different features.
Find the Sender ID that suits your business needs.

One-way Sender ID
You can send the following message types
Supported content types:
Text + Image + CTA Button, Text + CTA Button, Image, Text + Video + CTA Button, Text + Video, Video, File
Transactional Messages
Supported content types:

Two-way Sender ID
You can send the following message types
Charges: per delivered message
Supported content types:
Text + Image + CTA Button, Text + CTA Button, Image, Text + Video + CTA Button, Text + Video, Text, Video, File
Promotional Messages
Supported content types:
Text + Image + CTA Button, Text + CTA Button, Image, Text + Video + CTA Button, Text + Video, Video, File
Transactional Messages
Supported content types:

Session Sender ID
You can send the following message types
Users initiate the dialogue
Charges: per 60 messages or 24hour window
Supported content types:
Text, Image, File
Promotional Messages
Supported content types:
Text + Image + CTA Button, Text + CTA Button, Image, Text + Video + CTA Button, Text + Video, Video, File
Transactional Messages
Supported content types: